FAQ's on Piles/Hemorrhoids

We know you have lots of questions in your mind that is why we have tried to answer a few of them. Keep learning.


1. What are Piles or Hemorrhoids?

Piles are swollen and enlarged blood vessels at lower rectal region. They are usually painless but may cause bleeding and pain if they get inflamed and get tears because of hard stools.

2. What is the main cause of Piles?

Increased pressure on lower rectum because of constipation, lack of fibre in diet, over-straining and pregnancy.

3. Do piles hurt?

Piles are usually painless if they are not thrombosed or infected. They usually cause painless bleeding. But they may cause pain if associated with fissure or get thrombosed or infected.

4. What should I do first?

The first thing anyone should do is to educate themselves about the condition. Knowing the truth will not only ease your mind but also give you the necessary tools to make correct decisions about your medical care.

5. Are hemorrhoids dangerous?

Hemorrhoids are not inherently dangerous. Having said that, there are situations where hemorrhoids can become gangrenous. This is dangerous, although rare.

6. Do Piles run in the family?

It hasn't been medically proven, but people do tend to be more susceptible to piles if their parents have them. This could be due to a poor family diet or physical built.

7. How do I know if it's definitely piles?

The only way to be 100% sure is to visit your doctor. They'll need to know about your symptoms and may want to do a quick examination.

8. Do hemorrhoids have pus in them?

Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels and it contains blood. They rarely ooze pus. If you have pus discharge, you may either have an infected hemorrhoid or fistula-in-ano.

9. Are hemorrhoids a sign of cancer?

No, hemorrhoids have nothing to do with cancer. Cancer and hemorrhoids both may present as bleeding but both are different. You should always consult a doctor regarding this.

10. Is hemorrhoid a sexually transmitted disease?

No, hemorrhoid is not a sexually transmitted disease. They cannot be transmitted to other person through any form of contact.

11. Should I see a doctor?

Yes. If this is the first time you are facing them, it is very important that you have a doctor examine them to ensure that what you think are hemorrhoids are in fact hemorrhoids. There are several conditions that have symptoms that mimic those of hemorrhoids, some of them are life-threatening.

12. How long do they last?

Unfortunately, without taking remedial actions, hemorrhoids can last a very, very long time. Unlike damage to your skin that can heal, hemorrhoids have to deal with the constant abuse of the damaged tissue because of the need to defecate regularly. This makes repair on its own a very slow process. Fortunately, many options are available to make this process speed up tremendously.

13. What shrinks hemorrhoids fast?

Ayurvedic medicines along with sitz bath and dietary and lifestyle modifications help in shrinking hemorrhoids quickly.

14. Are men more susceptible to piles?

Piles can affect anyone. They're caused by increased pressure in the blood vessels in your bottom and there's no discrimination between the sexes.

15. Will they go away on their own?

The short answer is, No, at least not without help. The longer answer is that hemorrhoid is a chronic condition and it is nearly impossible for them to heal without taking at least a few simple steps to aid them. Ayurvedic medicines helps a lot in getting relief.

16. Can hemorrhoids bleed for weeks?

Yes, they can. If they do, anemia can result so careful attention should be paid to them if this is the case. There are steps you can take to reduce and eventually stop this bleeding. If you have bleeding immediately seek for medicines.

17. May I push my piles back in?

Yes, if piles are coming out while passing stools you may push it back inside to avoid injury and infection. You may use an oil or cream.

18. What happens if I ignore them?

Ignoring your hemorrhoids won't be the end of the world, unless, of course, what you have is actually something like colon cancer instead. Assuming that you do have hemorrhoids, however, ignoring them will only bring a worsening of the condition over time. Eventually, you will regret the decision as more and more symptoms begin to affect you every hour of the day.

19. Can I fix these at home?

For the starting cases of hemorrhoids, the answer is an unqualified yes. Even if you opt to have these taken care of surgically as a first option, you most likely will not have changed the conditions that caused them to form, causing their return likely in the future. Fixing them at home with natural remedies and alterations in hemorrhoid producing habits is a long term solution. But for chronic and longstanding cases , you have to take help of Kshar Sutra Therapy.

20. What if I'm pregnant?

Pregnancy brings special considerations to the treatment of hemorrhoids. Since anything you use, herbal or by prescription, involves the introduction of bio-chemicals into the bloodstream, it is necessary to consult with a doctor first. However, there are many therapeutic means and diet considerations that can be used effectively to minimize your hemorrhoidal symptoms. Pregnancy induced hemorrhoids are typically, like pregnancy itself, temporary.

21. What's the best treatment to undergo?

It depends on your symptoms and your personal preference. There are various treatments available, including oral medicines, creams, ointments, suppositories, injection therapy and Kshar Sutra Therapy. Major Surgery should be considered as a last option, if all other measures have been failed.

22. How do I cure my hemorrhoids?

• Start taking warm sitz bath. • Take lots of fluids. • Increase fibre in your diet. • Do not scratch your hemorrhoids. • You may use ice packs if swelling is there. • Consult a doctor and start taking medicines as soon as possible. • Consider Kshar Sutra Therapy if relief cannot be achieved through medicines or have severe symptoms.

23. Will piles keep coming back?

It's hard to say, as piles are different for everyone. But there's plenty you can do to try and prevent them, involving a few simple changes to your diet and lifestyle.

24. How long will I need treatment?

It depends on the condition of the individual. Medicines usually starts giving relief within one week and takes 4-6 weeks of medicine course to subside the symptoms completely. If you are not getting appropriate relief even after 6 weeks of treatment then consider Kshar Sutra Therapy.

25. What not to eat in piles?

Avoid too much oily and spicy foods. Avoid taking fast foods.

26. How do piles look like?

External piles may look like a lump around your back passage. Internal hemorrhoids may be felt as one or more lumps coming out of back passage when you pass stools. They may or may not be pushed back inside. Watch this video to see real pictures of piles – How Piles look like < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pbykc2eM2xg >

27. Is banana good for piles?

Fibre rich diet is essential to cure hemorrhoid and banana is a rich source of fibre. 1-2 banana per day may help in maintaining good digestion but in a few patients, it may cause constipation. So, you may take banana in moderate amount.

28. Can a hemorrhoid get bigger?

Yes, if they are not treated, they may increase in size and may get worse.

29. What are the main reasons for hemorrhoid flare-up?

Hemorrhoids may get flared-up if you take too much spicy food or having a poor life style or having constipation.

30. Should I pop or puncture my hemorrhoid?

No, hemorrhoid is not a boil. They are swollen blood vessels. If they are popped or punctured they may profusely bleed.

31. Do hemorrhoids have an odor?

Not as such. They may smelly only if hygiene is not maintained and they get infected.

32. Will piles affect my fertility?

No, piles have nothing to do with your fertility.

33. How piles are treated through Ayurvedic medicines?

Ayurvedic medicines aim at regulating digestion and reducing swelling of inflamed hemorrhoids. Healing of wounds through herbal oils and creams help in achieving faster relief.

34. How long should I take medicines for hemorrhoids?

A treatment course of 4-6 weeks is usually sufficient to get good relief from symptoms. Proper application of herbal oils and creams help in early recovery.

35. How piles are treated through Kshar Sutra Therapy?

Kshar Sutra is tied up at the base of hemorrhoid that results in ceasing the blood supply of hemorrhoidal mass. Due to this, the pile mass shed off after a few days.

36. Is Kshar Sutra Therapy painful?

No, it is done under local or general anaesthesia. Post therapy pain depends on your individual condition. Kshar Sutra Therapy in internal hemorrhoids is usually associated with very little post therapy pain. Mild to moderate pain may be there in patients with external hemorrhoids. If condition is severe, you may feel moderate pain for a few days after the therapy. Pain can be easily managed through medicines and sitz bath.

37. Can I drive home after Kshar Sutra Therapy for Hemorrhoid?

This can be told by your doctor. Many patients can drive after 30 minutes of therapy and in a few patients driving is restricted for a few weeks. It depends on individual condition and better told by your consulting physician.

38. Is surgery a good option for piles?

Piles surgery involves risk of bleeding, stenosis and incontinence. Recurrence is also common after surgery. So, surgery should be opted if all other measures have been failed. Most of the hemorrhoids can be relieved through ayurvedic treatment and Kshar Sutra Therapy.

39. Why Kshar Sutra Therapy is good for piles?

Low recurrence rate, no chances of complications and early recovery makes Kshar Sutra Therapy the most recommended treatment for patients who do not respond well to medicines.

40. What would be the recovery time after Kshar Sutra Therapy in Piles?

You may be advised to have rest for a few days. Although complete recovery takes almost 45 days, most of the patients are able to resume their jobs after 3-10 days depending on the individual condition. Only a few patients need more rest duration. Early recovery is one of the most important benefit of Kshar Sutra Therapy.

Learn more about Kshar Sutra Therapy

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