Abhayarista is a very famous and widely used herbal preparation used in the treatment of constipation, piles and related diseases.
Its uses -
It is useful in many illnesses
- Constipation
- Piles or hemorrhoids
- Fissure
- Fistula
- Digestive problems
- Flatulence
Varies as per the need. (Always follow your doctor's advice)
- 10-30 ml once or twice daily
- Usually advised to take after meals
- If required, water may be added
How long it can be used
It depends on individual condition. It may be used for longer durations without a risk of habit forming. Generally it starts showing positive effects within 2-3 days.
- Generally no contraindications.
- Safe in all individuals.
- Diabetic patients should consume it under medical guidance.
- Dosage should be reduced if stools becomes too much liquid.
You may order Abhyarishtha through whatsapp on 9716744975
External Links:
#abhyarishtha #constipation #ayurvedicmedicines #pilestreatment
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